Friday, August 7, 2009

Poly-Filler Pasting Over NSW Govt Cracks

The pounding hooves of the horses of doom are approaching as Premier Rees is shown yet again to be a marionette. He faces:

1). The plots of John Della Bosca eyeing off the purple mantle of the Premier's job, and of course there are the usual media denials from Della Bosca (which is the script challengers recite when planning the Ides of March).

2). The stalemate over regaining the support of The Shooters Party in the Legislative Council which was caused by the determined and stubborn lobbying activities of the NSW Attorney General John Hatzistergos and Mr Laurie Glanfield the Director General of the Attorney General's Department in June 2009 in pushing through - come hell or highwater - the NSW Trustee and Guardian Bill. The Government did a deal with The Greens on that Bill, and in return Labor dudded The Shooters Party's bill about shooting in national parks. This has led to stalemate over the sale of NSW Lotteries (so essential so the Treasurer Eric Roozendaal claims to making the budget work).

3). The revolt of 8 Labor MPs over the privatisation of prisons.

4). The rearranging of deck chairs to dampen down dissent from Rural Fire Services over the Super Department scheme.

Full steam ahead as we hit the iceberg!

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