Friday, August 21, 2009

More Significant Jobs To Go From Probate Registry

I've heard before that the Probate registry at the NSW Supreme Court has been under-resourced. Now I hear that some senior jobs will be abolished. I'm hearing that private legal practitioners are aghast about the sword of Damocles falling on the registrars.

It seems that there are several Sooty-like glove-puppets that have been posted in various parts of the Attorney General's Department and agencies. They do their master's bidding, boss the employees around, all in the name of efficiency. The chanting about "efficiency" sounds like some codeword for a KGB covert operation: target and eliminate!

Meanwhile several other government departments are cash-starved and under-staffed, and that is what is supposed to pass for saving money and improving services. Some departments cannot even afford to brief out for fully outsourced legal opinions because it costs too much. So half-baked requests are made as if "near enough is good enough".

Makes a mockery of Nathan Rees' claim that his government is all about creating "jobs, jobs, jobs."

The cut-slash-burn approach to the public sector is disastrous for the people who lose employment, disastrous for those left who have to carry more tasks, and of course ensures that there can never be "better value" and "better service" to the public. Why is it that talentless individuals rise to the top of bureaucracy, and are rarely made to walk the plank for idiotic decisions? Won't be very long now until the mega-earthquake hits and everything in the public sector crashes in a heap.

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