Monday, August 3, 2009

Daily Telegraph on Case Chaos at New Trustee and Guardian

Gemma Jones serves up a concise piece on funds mismanagement and clumsy ham-fisted handling of protected estates clients by the Protective Commisisoner's successor the NSW Trustee and Guardian. While that kind of work is always fraught with problems, the snap shot in the article just emphasises what a mess is the entire Attorney General's Department. Both the minister Mr John Hatzistergos and the department's Director General Mr Laurie Glanfield need to be hauled before an inquiry to justify why they should be allowed to continue in their jobs.

And don't overlook the farcical handling of the current Parliamentary Inquiry into substitute decision making as it affects the NSW Trustee and Guardian (see here). Both the Minister and Director General should be cross-examined on several critical concerns particularly why they dragged their feet since 2004 in introducing any reforms to the Protected Estates Act.

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