Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ides of March for Premier Rees

Media beat-up or snap-shot of internal Labor party dissent? That maybe a question to pose about claims that Mr Della Bosca has sharpened his political blade for an eventual seizure of power. Yet also waiting in the wings with his blade is Mr Sartor. Labor still seems to think it can win in 2011, and that their primary worry is who will be Premier. The clowns in the party just do not get it: we the public don't care which marionette stars in the Labor comedy hour. The public are ready to ditch Labor. You lot have been in too long, and it is irrelevant what cosmetic efforts are made at appearing to engage in party renewal.

Add to this the burgeoning dissent from the people who are employed in the public sector who are expected to work like indentured labourers in the cotton fields. The state is buggered up so badly, and there's no point blaming the global crisis. This is a grotesque mess created inside NSW by the boys and gals in Governor Macquarie Tower, and seconded by the sycophantic bureaucrats who run their little departmental empires with a gross and exaggerated sense of self-importance.

The current batch of Labor politicians are tuckered out and talentless and dull and boring and irrelevant. The little Napoleonic syndrome that infests the Senior Executive Service likewise shows how tedious heads of departments can become. Change is coming to NSW, and I don't vote Liberal!

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